Mission & Process

Our Mission & Process

We pride ourselves in knowing all our stakeholders, personally.

Our Belief:
‘Delivering Quality’ is the cornerstone of our existence. Our quality control department follows a meticulous quality check at every point, from raw-material to processing, handling to packing to the final dispatch.

Our Promise:
Ready to consistently deliver the best in quality products.

Our Mission:
Our aim is to distribute the best wheat products all over the world & To continuously research and innovate for advanced technologies along with effective management to create highly efficient production processes.

Our Manufacturing Process
We follow the following process to make the highest quality wheat flour.

  • Grain Selection: For making grain selection, the best quality wheat is selected after testing the produce brought by the farmers in the laboratory.
  • Storage: The wheat is immediately placed in silos and stored naturally using only right temperature technology to avoid overheating and infestations in the grain
  • Wheat Cleaning: The grains are cleaned using sieves and air aspirations and we use prevailing technologies to remove impurities and ensure the grains are uniformly cleaned. Each grain goes through a 360• assesment by the fully automated sortex clean wheat
  • Milling: Our milling combines state-of-the-art technology and a skilful team, who prioritize quality over yield.
  • Packing & Storage: Products are packed into the food grade superior packaging quality after passing through touch-free metal detection systems.